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Showing posts with the label How UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Systems Works UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply.

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Systems Works

  UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Systems Works Top of Form Bottom of Form UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. A UPS system is an autonomous source of alternate power that is used to supply sensitive electronic loads such as computer centers, telephone exchanges and many industrial-process control and monitoring systems.   A UPS solution for sensitive electrical loads is used to provide a power interface between the utility and the sensitive loads, providing voltage that is: 1. Free of all disturbances present in utility power and in compliance with the strict         tolerances required by loads. 2. Available in the event of a utility outage, within specified tolerances   UPS systems satisfy requirements in 1 & 2 above in terms of power availability and quality by: 1. Supplying loads with voltage complying with strict tolerances, through use of an         inverter 2. Providing an autonomo...